UNTITLED - THE EXPERIMENT is a scenic rehearsal created by Coletivo Labirinto during this time of pandemic and social distancing (2021). It was based on the original version of SEM_TÍTULO (UNTITLED), which premiered in 2014, had 04 seasons in the city of São Paulo, and also participated in festivals and theater shows in the interior of the state. The play is a portrayal of the confinement and isolation experienced by people in the large urban centers of Latin America, who have their lives increasingly shared and mediated by virtual platforms. It approaches questions related to our possibility (or not) of being affected by the other, when living in a society that is continuously cloistered in its apartments and lonely in its individual paths.
Over the months of quarantine faced as a result of the crises caused by COVID-19, the group was instigated to look again at this material and develop the ideas of confinement and total virtuality of relationships that had already been suggested in its original version. However, UNTITLED - THE EXPERIMENT is not a recording or an online exhibition of the original play, but a production that was specifically designed taking into account the possible aesthetic resources and language construction offered by the lifestyle undergone in these months of pandemic.
UNTITLED - THE EXPERIMENT is a live online broadcast ( via a video call platform made available to the public) with the actors-performers from Coletivo Labirinto, being isolated in their own houses; therefore, having only the virtual platform and the video as means of dialogue and interaction with the audience. This online scenic experiment becomes an extension of the inner universe of their characters and their questions - expressed in fear, anguish and loneliness, but also in beauty and enchantment - and creates windows of affection based on these circumstantial bubbles.
DIRECTION Wallyson Mota CAST Abel Xavier, Carol Vidotti e Emilene Gutierrez ORIGINAL TEXT Ariel Farace TRANSLATION (ORIGINAL TEXT) Paloma Vidal DRAMATURGY Coletivo Labirinto MUSIC Rafael Zenorini VIDEO AND DIGITAL PLATFORMS Laíza Dantas PHOTOGRAPHY Raphael B. Gomes GRAPHIC DESIGN Alexandre Caetano – Oré Design Studio PRESS RELATIONS Pombo Correio PRODUCTION Carol Vidotti e Wallyson Mota THEATRICAL PERFORMANCE Coletivo Labirinto
RUNTIME 60 minutes
PREMIERE March 19, 2021 at 6pm
From March 19 to 24 6pm