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When reading CHAOS: The Broadsheets of Ontological Anarchism by Hakim Bey, Coletivo Labirinto noticed a powerful scope for actions: Life is chaos.

And if chaos disturbs our way of thinking and living, it also makes us feel provoked to face the disorganization of what we have as established, as standardized in our living spaces. Then, we understand poetic terrorism, given our historical-social context and our concerns in relation to it, as a possibility of disrupting this wall of apathy and indifference built on and through us. It is a way to unsettle its structure  through its opposite pole - affection.

Thus, in 2019, Coletivo Labirinto started a process of scenic research with the project 08 DISRUPTIVE ACTIONS - AFFECTION AS A POLITICAL GESTURE, carried out with the support of the cultural program - Proac Artes Integradas. For this project, the group went through eight bus stations, in the city of São Paulo, performing some actions/affections that caused great repercussions.  These actions (project) keep on a continuous research process.


Occupation of living spaces (public or not) and the integration evoked between the architecture and the people who pass through it. For one week, the artists from Coletivo Labirinto perform at  so-called “places of action”, which stop being only scenery to become agents of performance, protagonists of this act. There is, therefore, no previous process of creation or a further presentation.  What is proposed is that the creation process take place entirely at these living spaces and that it is freely open to the action and effect of their circumstances and of their passers-by; at the end of the week, the artists perform a closing  ACTION/AFFECTION  of their meetings with one another, with the space, and with the passers-by.



CREATION AND PRODUCTION Abel Xavier, Carol Vidotti, Emilene Gutierrez, Wallyson Mota CREATION ADVICE Rubens Velloso CAST Carol Rahal, BijaRi - Gustavo Godoy e Geandre Tomazoni, Las Cabaças - Juliana Balsalobre e Marina Quinan PHOTOGRAPHY AND VIDEO Monique Amaral, Raphael B. Gomes, Sol Faganello PRODUCTION “PROAC ARTES INTEGRADAS” Joice Portes

Vila Nova Cachoeirinha

bus Terminal

(North side - São Paulo/SP);

Santo Amaro bus and

subway Terminal

(South side - São Paulo/SP);

Grajaú bus and

subway Terminal

(South side - São Paulo/SP);

Sacomã bus and

subway Terminal

(Southeast side - São Paulo/SP);

Vila Matilde

Urban Terminal

(East side - São Paulo/SP);

Lapa Bus and

Train Terminal

(West side - São Paulo/SP);

Pq. D. Pedro II bus and

subway Terminal

(Downtown - São Paulo/SP);

Princesa Isabel

bus Terminal

(Downtown - São Paulo/SP).



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